I stepped away from blogging simply because life became so much more hectic ~ there just didn't seem to be the time to sit down and write what God was laying on my heartS~ much to my shame. School is out and I now have more time to devote to "I Am Redeemed By The Blood of the Lamb." My goal is to keep writing ~ even after school resumes in the fall ~ at least that is my goal. :)
This morning I was under the weather and unable to attend church so I decided to listen to one of my all-time favorite preachers on the internet ~ Dr. Charles Stanley. I am so glad that I didn't go to church today! The blessing that I received through Dr. Stanley is exactly what God wanted me to hear. The sermon was entitled "Standing Tall and Strong Through Prayer." Dr. Stanley said, "When we are willing to seek Him earnestly and bow in reference we can experience God's power for daily living. We stand tallest and strongest on our knees."
I'm a bit arthritic in both knees but I got a couple of pillows and put them on the floor beside my bed and gingerly dropped down to pray to my God. I know that God hears our prayers if we can't get on our knees but this morning it seemed important that I place body into the most humbling position that I could as I cried out to Him. I recommitted my life to Christ ~ surrendering my will ~ and asking Him to show me His perfect will. I appreciate your alls prayers as I am treading through a land of all new territory ~ after being married for 28 years and staying home to keep our children and the home. But I am believing that He is going to show me exactly what He wants me to do. It's good be back blogging again!