Thursday, June 10, 2010

Dad's Brownies - It's Not What You Think!

As I have been revisiting blogs I haven't been to in months, I came across a story entitled "Dad's Brownies." I had wanted to direct you to her blog so you could take a look at it - the story is so profound - but I am having trouble finding it. So I located the same story at another website and have provided that link here (Dad's Brownies). It is well worth the read. I read it to my girls and now when we talk about certain movies or TV shows I just remind them of the brownie story.

4 Thoughts On The Matter:

Deborah said...

I read the story the other day too. It was great!

Thank you for the sweet note you left on my blog. I look forward to one day meeting too!

bopeep said...

Thanks for sharing is soooo true.....
It is good to hear from you again...I too have been out awhile...but am going to try to catch up now...
Prayers, Bo

Grace on the Narrow Path said...

I have missed you my friend. Glad you are back. Hope all is well.
In His Grace,

susansspace said...

I had not heard this little illustration before. What a vivid example of how 'just a little' of the wrong thing really can make a BIG difference!
Thanks for sharing.
Have a glorious Lord's Day!