Ephesians 5:15-16 says See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Our time on this earth is running out. My pastor preached on this very passage last week ~ in tears pleading with us to "redeem the time." He talked about how the world is at an all-time low ~ because people are getting farther and farther away from God. And in the mean time Christians are sleeping. In verse 14 of this same chapter it says Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.
I think a lot of us can go to sleep ~ through indifference (having a more "open mind" in respect to this evil world which will lead to 'fence sitting' and a state of indifference) ~ and through sin (yielding to the temptation that encircles us in this world) ~ and even through distraction (satan loves to distract the Christian with everything imaginable from prestige and riches to trials and troubles ~ whatever it takes to make us ineffective for Christ).
God is coming back and if death does not take Christians from this world then the trumpet will. And with that thought, Pastor Dan encouraged us ~ that until that happens ~ to redeem our time in three particular ways:
1. Read your Bible ~ everyday. Cherish it like those Africans that Raphael took Bibles to (see post entitled "Greasing The Way in Prayer"). We need for it to be our most precious possession.
2. Win your lost relatives to the Lord. Now is the time ~ tomorrow might be too late.
3. Serve God with all you have.
Pastor Dan shared with us that he had been out soul winning and he was able to speak to a gentleman out in his yard about Christ. The man accepted the Bible tract but was unwilling to pray and ask God to save him. He said what so many say "Not today. Maybe another time." One week later my pastor went back to visit this man again and he had been killed in a drive by shooting. We won't know until we enter eternity whether this man read that tract and accepted Christ. Little did Pastor Dan know that less than seven days after he witnessed to this man ~ that his life would be needlessly snuffed out.
Oh that we would redeem the time that Christ has given us here on this earth. Oh that we would redeem the time so that this tale we are living might be a worthy story to tell. Oh that we will redeem the time...........
7 Thoughts On The Matter:
I am waiting for the trumpet to sound soon! Good words to live by. Thank you sister friend. God bless you.
Your's in Christ,
(I hope you receive this comment. I think I corrected the problem.)
Praise the Lord for this post! I love wake up calls!
I am guilty of squandering so much of my youth and not living for God. I am desperately trying to redeem the time.
Great Post. This is so true. And a great reminder, the time is NOW. We come across so many lost when we go to the store, or out in about. May this be a reminder to us to not waste a chance to witness, or to give a tract.
This is a solemn reminder to my heart, as time is running out ...
Blessings to you and your family!
What a timely reminder to always be a witness.
Stop by my blog and pick up some awards...
A thought provoking post...thank you for the reminder.
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