Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Thank You Deborah

Ms. Deborah has sent me an award. Thank you so much. To accept this award, I must mention who I received the award from and link back to her/him. Then I am to share the following ~

This blog invests and believes the PROXIMITY - nearness in space, time and relationships. These blogs are extremely charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly written text into the body of their award.

I am passing the award on to:

1. Caryn whose blog ~ Very Calm ~ is rich in so many ways not to mention calming

2. Karin whose blog ~ Yesterday, Today, Forever ~ so blesses me with her poetry

3. Jennifer whose blog ~ Double Nickle Farm ~ teaches me I can make or do anything I set my mind to

4. Connie whose blog ~ Connie's Thoughts From The Heart ~ who often lends comfort in her writings

5. Starr whose blog ~ Cooking With The Preacher's Wife ~ keeps sharing recipe after fabulous recipe (goodness knows I need all the help I can get)

6. Bren whose blog ~ Seeking Grace on the Narrow Path ~ is a new golden nugget I have found through Deborah's blog

7. Cindy whose blog ~ Life is Good ~ is my encouraging Georgia friend

8. Sue whose blog ~ Keeping My Branch Connected To The Vine ~ is really searching out the scriptures and striving to live the narrow path

I hope you all will check out these blogs ~ you will be blessed.

Congratulations to you all. Blessings ~ Cathryn

12 Thoughts On The Matter:

Cindy said...

Thanks Cathryn! You are so kind. I too have thyroid fog so memorization is difficult for me. Remembering where I parked the car is difficult for me!

Thank you for the award. It is an encouragement.

Humble wife said...

Thankyou Cathryn!
I really appreciate you thinking of me, and to be honest I know that any of us can do anything through Christ!

Deborah said...

You are most welcome Cathryn. Yours has become one of the first blogs I check!

Anonymous said...

You/your blog are so deserving of this award. I am blessed that you thought to share it with me.

Thank you, too, for the info on your blog background! I wouldn't have known where to begin. Maybe some cold snowy day I will try this. :-)

Thank you so much for being a blessing in all of our lives.

TO BECOME said...

Dear Cathryn, Thank you so much for this honor and for your kind words. I will do my best with giving it to eight others even though I do believe that all deserve an award if they have a blog and give of themselves through it.Thanks again and I want to say again how much I really like your blog and I get good feelings when I come here to visit. connie

Grace on the Narrow Path said...

Thank you for the award. I will pass it on. I am praying for more christian friends to share Jesus with. I love the song Beulanh Land. One of my best friends would sing it while he was on this earth. Now I know he sings in Heaven with the Lord.
Your sister in Christ,

Deborah said...

By the way...I'm still looking for more contributors on the KJV Blog Directory...if you're interested, I'd sure like to have you on there....let me know!

Theresa's Notes said...

Congrats! :)

Susan B said...

Congratulations on your award!

Abounding Treasures said...

Congratulations and I love your new blog look!

Karin said...

Thank you so much Cathryn! I've got a busy week-end ahead so I'll try to work on this next week - sooner if I can! Sure appreciate reading the things the Lord places on your heart and meeting new people through your blog. Have an awesome week-end!

Rachel Smith said...

Welcome to the KJV blog directory's group of writers. I look forward to getting to know you better!

Enjoy your day!