Friday, November 7, 2008

I Did It Again

I'm like a kid in a candy store - I just can't stop myself from changing my blog background on a regular occasion. It's like scrapbooking but faster and without all the mess.

5 Thoughts On The Matter:

Deborah said...

Very pretty, but it wouldn't suit my blog...not enough white! LOL

Karin said...

Just like re-arranging the furniture in the house to get a different look. It's lovely!

~~Deby said...

I agree...I have slowed down the past months...but ya never know...

susansspace said...

I like your new choice! I changed mine because simply couldn't take another day with that rusty ORANGE background in the writing area!
So glad you could help someone figure out how to do theirs. That's what helping's all pass it on!
Blessings! Susan

Corner Gardener Sue said...

I like this! Will it change with the seasons on its own, or will you have to do that? There must be some other pages besides the ones they have when you first set it up, right? I might be interested in finding out more about that, as long as what I've already done doesn't get messed up.